14. July 2017

privacyIDEA 2.19.1 on Univention Corporate Server

The Enterprise Version 2.19.1 of privacyIDEA is now available on the Univention Corporate Server. With version 2.19.1 privacyIDEA is now available on the Univention Corporate Server 4.2. Customers can easily upgrade from UCS 4.1 with privacyIDEA 2.18.1 to UCS 4.2 with privaccyIDEA 2.19.1.

Besides the improvements in Univention Corporate Server 4.2 privacyIDEA 2.19.1 also comes with interesting improvements. These are the generic user cache, which can reduce the authentication time dramatically. Using policies the administrator can define which U2F devices may be registered and used by the users. A Token Janitor allows the administrator to find orphaned tokens and either disable or delete these. We already blogged about the complete new features in privacyIDEA 2.19.

Service Level Agreement and Subscription

privacyIDEA4UCS can be installed on the Univention Corporate Server quickly and easily via the Univention App Center. You can find further details on privacyIDEA4UCS on the product page and also get a test subscription. The normal service level agreement for privacyIDEA also entitles the customer to use privacyIDEA on the Univention Corporate Server.

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