26. February 2020

privacyIDEA at Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2020

Once again, privacyIDEA will be at the Chemnitzer Linux Tage, CLT2020. This time Cornelius Kölbel will talk about two-factor authentication (2FA) in the Single Sign-On (SSO) context.

Once again, privacyIDEA will be at the Chemnitzer Linux Tage, CLT2020. This time Cornelius Kölbel will talk about two-factor authentication (2FA) in the Single Sign-On (SSO) context.

Talk: Sunday, 17:00 , Room V4

A short paper motivates the use of dedicated 2FA systems as opposed to application-integrated 2FA management. PrivacyIDEA Enterprise Edition represents a professional dedicated 2FA solution and can be used in all types of company networks.

For IT administration, SSO is both an opportunity and a risk. Although users and passwords are managed transparently at a single source, a loss of credentials also means greater damage. A mandatory second factor helps to increase the level of security.

The presentation will show that the system consisting of Keycloak and privacyIDEA forming a 2-factor-enabled identity provider is a solid basis for the secure integration of any SSO-enabled application. One which can also be easily managed and extended.

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