privacyIDEA Appliance, UCS, LDAP-Proxy, FrOSCon und it-sa

privacyIDEA Appliance Our enterprise customers may now install and configure privacyIDEA as a privacyIDEA appliance, based on the Ubuntu 16.04 enterprise packages. This way customers get an additional flover in addition to the python package index, CentOS, RHEL, Debian and Ubuntu for running and maintaining privacyIDEA. The Appliance allows easy setup of MySQL Master-Master-Replication, RADIUS […]

privacyIDEA 2.13 and community web conference

Dear reader, yesterday privacyIDEA 2.13 was released. Read more about its interesting features. You are invited to attend a privacyIDEA community web conference. What is new in privacyIDEA 2.13? New logo for privacyIDEA. privacyIDEA Appliance and setup tool eases Master-Master-replication. Article in German computer magazine iX. Community Web conference. Have fun reading Yours NetKnights What is […]

privacyIDEA 2.12 and upcoming events

Dear reader, privacyIDEA 2.12 is available since last week. Read more about the new features. In addition NetKnights attends two interesting open source conferences in Germany. What is new in privacyIDEA? Authentication talk at open source conferences privacyIDEA applies for Open Source Business Award Have fun reading Yours NetKnights What is new in privacyIDEA 2.12? […]

Preview privacyIDEA 2.12

Dear reader, the release of privacyIDEA 2.12 will be delayed. But privacyIDEA 2.12 will have interesting new features. A bug was discovered last week and privacyIDEA is supposed to get even better and more secure. privacyIDEA 2.12 is delayed Bug in passOnNoUser Preview privacyIDEA version 2.12 Security Review Your NetKnights privacyIDEA 2.12 is delayed The […]

privacyIDEA and Univention Corporate Server, Online Shop

Dear reader, privacyIDEA 2.11 is available on the Univention Corporate Server. A new online shop eases the ordering process. Give us your feedback regarding new features for privacyIDEA 2.12! Your NetKnights Survey for new features in privacyIDEA 2.12 There are ideas for new functions in privacyIDEA 2.12. We are curious for your opinion. We plan […]

Migrate your OTP system

Dear reader, please join an upcoming web cast about an exiting new feature of privacyIDEA. During the last week privacyIDEA received two awards for being an innovative open source product. Webcast: Migrate your old OTP-System On March 30th we will conduct a webcast in English language to show you the new feature of upcomping privacyIDEA […]

privacyIDEA, conferences and fairs.

Dear Reader, today you are getting news about privacyIDEA. NetKnights will be at the Cebit fair and at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage conference. Please accept our sincere invitation. Your NetKnights privacyIDEA 2.10 for Univention Corporate Server In February privacyIDEA 2.10 was released for the Univention Corporate Server. An interesting improvement is the token enrollment wizard, which allows […]


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