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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is implementing privacyIDEA for securing access to their infrastructure with a second factor. The privacyIDEA Authentication System was chosen due to its flexible nature and the possibility to allow a single sign on experience for the users. The services and especially the users are distributed world wide. Shipping authentication devices centrally is not efficient. Distributing authentication devices to users is not practical. Allowing only one type of authentication object is not an option. For W3C this is a big advantage that privacyIDEA can manage many different token type of different vendors at the same time. Dies können Smartphones mit Apps oder SMS, klassische Hardware-OTP-Token, Nitrokeys, YubiKeys, U2F-Geräte, TiQR-Token uvm. sein. The lean REST API allows easy integration into their own user portal. W3C connected privacyIDEA to their existing user management. privacyIDEA is connected to the already existing user management. Users will be able to choose if they want to self-enroll Smartphone-Applications or U2F devices. Depending on the device type users gain access to resources of different security levels. Depending on the type, the user can then be granted access to resources of different security levels.


Ruppiner Kliniken GmbH uses privacyIDEA to secure remote access to the LAN via the Citrix gateway. This enables doctos and staff to perform individual tasks from home without having to make extra trips to the clinic for these small actions. A commercial two-factor system that went end-of-life was successfully replaced with privacyIDEA. The processes for rolling out the tokens and the responsibilities in the helpdesk were significantly optimized in the process. Especially for helpdesk tasks, privacyIDEA’s rights concept ensures that the management view for helpdesk staff is not overloaded, but allows for the few targeted actions that are necessary.


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