Dear reader,
please join an upcoming web cast about an exiting new feature of privacyIDEA. During the last week privacyIDEA received two awards for being an innovative open source product.
Webcast: Migrate your old OTP-System
On March 30th we will conduct a webcast in English language to show you the new feature of upcomping privacyIDEA 2.11 for easy OTP system migration. privacyIDEA 2.11 will come with a new policy that eases migration drastically! Please sign up for the web cast. If you prefer a webcast in German language, you can sign up here.
Time for our monthly review at NetKnights. A lot has happened: We released version 3.10.1 of privacyIDEA, organized our first privacyIDEA Summit and our development team has grown.
On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the moment had finally arrived: NetKnights GmbH hosted the first privacyIDEA Summit in Kassel. Customers and partners from all over Germany and Austria accepted the invitation and met for a day full of exciting discussions about privacyIDEA, multi-factor authentication and current IT security topics.