9. August 2021

NetKnights at Castle to hold un-conference

In July, the NetKnights staff went to a castle in Saxony-Anhalt to discuss topics that are not very concrete, don’t have their own Github Issue, or maybe are just still a crank.

Relaxation fosters creativity

In July, the NetKnights staff went to a castle in Saxony-Anhalt to discuss topics that are not very concrete, don’t have their own Github Issue, or maybe are simply still a crank.

Two days of barbecue, fellowship and being away from the daily routine provided the necessary relaxation to talk about topics in a more informal way for once and also to discuss ideas between "the departments".

What interests us and moves us

In the form of an unconference, we collected topics that interested us on the first evening. We had prepared some of these or thought them up directly on site. The topics came from the areas of servers, clients and organization. For example, we talked about the topic of multi-challenges but also micro-services, wizardization and the support experience for our customers, registration processes and even privacyIDEA in the cloud.

Here, everyone was able to give free rein to their thoughts and gain a larger view of the whole.


We will certainly come together again in a similar form!

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