1. October 2019

privacyIDEA Authenticator App with Push for iOS

The privacyIDEA Push-Token allows easy 2nd factor authentication – now also with the iPhone!

In combination with privacyIDEA 3.1, the privacyIDEA Authenticator App supports the authentication by using a Push-Token.

The Push-Token

When logging on to e.g. a website, the privacyIDEA backend sends a  cryptographically secured challenge to the user’s smartphone.
The user simply has to confirm the login request on his smartphone. In the background, the smartphone then signs the challenges and sends it back to privacyIDEA. The signature ensures that really this very user has  confirmed the login request.

The user is logged in automatically.

The privacyIDEA Authenticator on iOS

The privacyIDEA Authenticator with the Push functionality is now available for iOS in the Apple App Store.

In addition the privacyIDEA Backend supports a lot of different token types like software-tokens and hardware-tokens, Yubikeys, Nitrokeys and other possibilities. If you want to secure your login in your company with a 2nd factor, please get in touch!

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