23. April 2018

privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 2.22.1

The privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 2.22.1 comes with a few minor bug fixes in the Web UI and the server. Problems with OCRA and TiQR tokens were fixed. The usage of unicode in the resolver config with Oracle databases was fixes. A better error handling in the code for Hardware Security Modules makes this usage even more reliable.

Today we released the version 2.22.1 of the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition.

If you want to know more about the major changes from 2.21 to this version 2.22.1 please read our previous blog post.

Bug Fixes

In version 2.22.1 bugs in the Web UI and server have been fixed:

  • Login with Challenge Response tokens to the WebUI was improved.
  • The PIN, serial and username handling in the rollout and assignmed was fixed.
  • Annoying output in the browser console was removed.
  • Added check for serial number present.
  • Fixed validation of OCRA and TiQR token.
  • Added retry to cope with HSM issues.
  • Fixed unicode in resolverconf database table with Oracle.
You can find a complete Changelog at github.

About the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition

The Enterprise Edition is released as version 2.X.1 a few weeks after the public release of version 2.X and contains necessary bug fixes.

The Enterprise Edition of the privacyIDEA Authentication System addresses companies and organizations, that need a reliable and stable update process. It is available for Ubuntu 16.04LTS, CentOS7/RHEL7 and the Univention Corporate Server. It is also available as an Appliance, that allows e.g. a simple setup of a master master replication.

Please get in touch, if you want to learn more or if you want to test the Enterprise Edition.

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