privacyIDEA 2.22 allows flexible Authentication at VPNs and Firewalls
With privacyIDEA 2.22 we added the possibility to pass more useful userinformation to a RADIUS client like a VPN. The administrator can add a policy to include the resolver and the realm of a user who authenticated successfully. This response data can then be used in the FreeRADIUS plugin and modified by regular expressions to add any arbitrary RADIUS attribute in the RADIUS response, which then would be sent to the VPN. This additional information can be used by Cisco ASA, Citrix Netscaler or any other enterprise grade VPN to put the user into certain subnets or to assign resource to the user.
privacyIDEA Appliance, UCS, LDAP-Proxy, FrOSCon und it-sa
privacyIDEA Appliance Our enterprise customers may now install and configure privacyIDEA as a privacyIDEA appliance, based on the Ubuntu 16.04 enterprise packages. This way customers get an additional flover in addition to the python package index, CentOS, RHEL, Debian and Ubuntu for running and maintaining privacyIDEA. The Appliance allows easy setup of MySQL Master-Master-Replication, RADIUS […]
NetKnights at IT Security Expo and Congress it-sa
This year NetKnights will be at the IT Security Expo and Congress “it-sa” together with the partners bytemine and Rempartec. it-sa takes place once a year in Nuremberg, Germany in autumn. This year it is October 10th-12th 2017. During the last years up to 500 exhibitors presented new services and products in the field of IT Security. it-sa […]
privacyIDEA 2.19 – Performance, U2F and secure Smartphone Apps
Today we released privacyIDEA 2.19. Packages are available in the Launchpad-Repos for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS. You can also install privacyIDEA on any Linux distribution using the python package index. New Features in privacyIDEA Authentication performance In tests in the lab privacyIDEA 2.19 shows improved performance. Authentication requests are up to 72% faster than in the previous […]
privacyIDEA 2.18 – authentication and trust
Today privacyIDEA 2.18 was released. Packages are available in the launchpad respository for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS. Using the Python package index privacyIDEA can be installed on any distribution. privacyIDEA manages certificate authorities The flexible Open Source multi-factor-authentication system privacyIDEA comes with new featues in regards to certificate authorities. In addition to OTP tokens, smartphones, […]
Two factor authentication everywhere with privacyIDEA LDAP-Proxy
In order to secure the login process with two factor authentication in an application there are different approaches. Two-Factor-Authentication via standard protocols and plugins With privacyIDEA we used standard protocols like RADIUS and SAML. If the application that you need to protect can facilitate RADIUS or SAML, the validate of the second factor can be […]